quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012

nova tatoo da Miley

 Miley Cyrus foi clicada deixando a aula de pilates em Los Angeles e chamou a atenção pela barriga sarada e também por uma nova tatuagem no antebraço esquerdo!
A nova tattoo da diva é uma frase que faz parte de um discurso de 1910 do ex-presidente dos EUA, Theodore Roosevelt: “So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat” (Então seu mundo nunca deveria estar com essas almas frias e tímidas que não conhecem nem a vitória nem a derrota, em português). Inspiradora, né?

Miley's new tattoo

Miley Cyrus was spotted leaving a pilates class in Los Angeles and drew attention to the belly and also healed by a new tattoo on his left forearm!
The new tattoo Diva is a phrase that is part of a 1910 speech by former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt: "so that his place Shall never be with Those cold and timid souls who Knew Neither victory nor defeat" (Then his world should never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat, in Portuguese). Inspiring, right?

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